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I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate||Spoken Word

I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate||Spoken Word Eng: A lover of the written and spoken word, Suli Breaks is a visionary undaunted by the restrictions found in conventional poetry, leading him to push boundaries in a bid to inspire and inform a generation. An artist, speaker and writer, Breaks is often considered an inspiration by those who have met, watched or listened to him.

Author Description - I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate - Suli Breaks,Vanity Fair,2009 "I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate" picks up on the education topic but takes a different stance and angle from "Why I Hate School But Love Education". This poem talks about how we have been made to think about how education and getting university degrees can give us opportunities to have a better chance in making our dream careers a reality. It also touches on how as individuals we are judged and tested by how well we perform on exams, but not all people perform well in exams so why are they made out to feel like they're dumb? The inconsistencies of the education system are really peeled open to reveal a deep problem that needs to be addressed and how society's needs have changed to make this even more apparent. When it boils down to it, why are we misled into thinking that education is the only way forward for successful means in our work and career lives? We need to open our minds and educate ourselves that exam results aren't the barometer of success and that we can't let them decide our fate. We are in charge of our own destinies!-

PT: Um amante de Spoken Word Poetry(Poesia), Suli Breaks é um visionário que nao se restringe na poesia convencional , levando-o a empurrar os limites em uma tentativa de inspirar e informar uma geração. Um artista , palestrante e escritor , Breaks é muitas vezes considerado uma inspiração por aqueles que tenham estado com ele , assistido ou ouvido. (Note: O video e totalmente em lingua inglesa, caso nao entenda ingles, pergunte a alguem que entenda e voluntariamente o possa ajudar a entender o conteudo do video.) wink emoticon

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